So you missed the Fall Career Fair: Here are 5 things you can do for job and internship searching before the end of the semester

During the course of four days in September, over 1,800 students met with over 200 employers at UNL’s first ever Virtual Career Fair. Weren’t able to make it? Here are some actions you can take to work on your career development and job or internship search before the fall semester ends.

 Meet with a Career Coach

Career coaching can develop you professionally by facilitating the major and career exploration process, help you plan ways to gain experience, develop tailored applications and provide strategies and connections to opportunities, employers and professionals in your fields of interest.

Career Coaches can help you:

  • Identify outside of the box opportunities and strategies to gain experience
  • Develop job search strategies
  • Network with employers and professionals and leverage virtual platforms to make connections
  • Find relevant career resources available to your specific needs


Create or Update Your Resume

A resume is your personal marketing tool designed to quickly show you are an ideal candidate for a role. A strong resume generates interest in your qualifications resulting in interviews. Resumes look different depending on the industry and field you are applying in, so research both to learn the format which will make the best possible first impression.

Learning how to position your skills and experiences through resumes, cover letters, personal statements, online profiles, and interviews are all ways in which you can articulate and tell your stories as you apply for opportunities. Career Services has a newly reworked website with everything you need to identify your skills and qualifications, develop application materials, and learn how to tell your professional narrative.

Complete Your Handshake Profile & Update Your LinkedIn

Managing your online brand is important in any profession. In addition to being mindful of what you post on social media, knowing prospective and current employers may see it, use LinkedIn and Handshake to strengthen your online brand. You can do this by creating and maintaining a professional profile and engaging in groups and forums on your field in these platforms.

LinkedIn is an online professional networking platform that is free for all. Students should create one early and add to it as they progress through first their academic and later their professional careers. LinkedIn which gives you the opportunity to:

  • Market your skills, strengths, and experiences
  • Connect with alumni, professionals, and recruiters
  • Gain insight on organizations, industries, and opportunities
  • Apply for internships and jobs


Image of the Handshake Logo

Handshake is a student-centered job search system provided to you by Career Services. Search for part-time and full-time jobs and internships and make your profile available to employers.  Handshake is great for students because:

  • It connects you, your school, and employers together, with opportunities posted specifically for students at UNL
  • Employers on Handshake message students with event invites, interview requests, and new opportunites; last year, recruiters sent more than 16 million messages to students
  • The jobs on Handshake are meant for students, so experience is often not required and you can start getting the experience you need
  • When you fill out your profile, Handshake will show you jobs and internships that match your interests and skills
  • All of the top employers are recruiting on Handshake, including Fortune 500, startups, nonprofits, and more

Practice Your Interviewing Skills

An interview is a chance for an employer and a candidate to get to know each other. The employer assesses the candidate’s interest level, motivations, personality, qualifications, and fi t for the organization’s culture. The candidate, in addition to pitching their qualifications for the position, should use the interview to determine if the employer and position fit their needs, interests, and work environment preferences.

The more you know about the organization and the role, the better able you will be able to connect your qualifications to them.

Research the organization:

  • Mission/values
  • Culture
  • Services/products
  • Industry trends & issues
  • Customers/clients
  • Location(s)
  • Competitors
Research the Role:

  • Responsibilities/duties
  • Qualifications
  • Challenges
  • Salaries in similar roles


Use Resources:

Career Services has lots of resources to help you prepare and practice.

Look for Other Events to Connect with Employers and Organizations

Career Services hosts events and programs in partnership with employers throughout the academic year. Also, students can find employer-hosted events on Handshake! And finally, if you missed the Fall Fair, not to worry – there is also a Career Fair hosted by Career Services in the spring semester. This academic year, it will take place February 22nd – 26th via the Handshake platform.



By Mallory Celani
Mallory Celani Assistant Director of Employer & Internship Strategy