Rhema Meggett: Finding Work That Fulfills You

Rhema Meggett, a junior Agriculture and Environmental Science Communications major with minors in Engler Entrepreneurship and English, got the opportunity to learn what kind of work and work environment fulfill her the most last summer.

Meggett interned with Minority Landowner Magazine as their Social Media Intern and created social content, developed email campaigns, sourced information and speakers for webinars, and even produced a podcast.

UNL junior Rhema Meggett.

“I enjoyed getting to talk to the podcast guests the most. It was really fun to be able to meet new people and discuss their lives and their journey through agriculture. Especially getting to talk to people of color, it made a huge impact on me because it can be kind of intimidating to be a person of color in an industry where there are not many people who look like me,” said Meggett.

Minority Landowner Magazine targets minority, limited resource, and small farmers to help those producers improve productivity, increase profitability, and maintain ownership of their land.

“I learned a lot about the kind of place I want to work at and what it takes to be a great employee. I really enjoyed working with my boss, Mr. Harris, and being a remote worker was great. I would love to be able to do that again,” said Meggett. “I also learned a lot about hosting a rotating guest podcast, because I had never done that style of podcasting before. I found some great mentors in that space along the way as well.”

Meggett found the opportunity at Minority Landowner Magazine through her family!

“I was actually introduced to this company by my mom. She had been at an event to celebrate my Aunts’ farming business J&J Martin Farm Produce as we were the NC A&T 2023 Small Farmers of the Year event. At this celebration, she met my former boss Victor Harris, and she gave me his contact, we talked over the phone, and the rest was history,” said Meggett.

Rhema has also taken advantage of Career Services resources, connecting with our Career Coach, Stephanie Osterthun!

“I have used Career Services by meeting with a Career coach to help guide me through some of the questions I was having with a business idea I had. It was very helpful, and Stephanie Osterthun acted as a great mentor to me. I would definitely recommend it for people who want additional support and guidance because the Career Coaches have lots of connections and experience,” said Meggett.

Outside of her work and studies, Rhema has been involved with MANRRS (Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Sciences), CASNR’s Emerging Leaders in Diversity, the CASNR Ambassador program, APU (Afrikan People’s Union), Sister Circle, and she has served as a Trailguide for Engler.

To connect with a Career Coach, find resources, and more visit 👉 careers.unl.edu

By Gage Boardman-Allgood
Gage Boardman-Allgood