Unlocking Career Opportunities: Hannah Shin

by Erica Napuli

July 31, 2024

Hannah Shin smiling in headshot

“I definitely recommend going to the Career Fairs since they have lots of opportunities to ask questions to representatives and to discover potential companies or organizations for internships or job offers!” 

Hannah Shin, a senior majoring in Computer Science and minoring in Mathematics is interning at Lockheed Martin this summer as an Engineering Intern. Thanks to the Career Fair, Hannah was able to make meaningful connections to strengthen her professional network and secure opportunities that align with her career goals. 

“I came across this opportunity at the Career Fair last fall. I spoke with the representative who was also the chief engineer of the Lockheed Martin program that I support, and I was able to schedule an interview with them after further communication.” said Hannah.  

Within her internship, Hannah is responsible for coding new features, developing software applications, fixing bugs, writing functional tests, and reviewing code from other developers. She’s most excited about challenging herself and gaining insights into working for a defense contractor. 

In the future, Hannah aims to pursue a career as a full-stack developer. She is also eager to explore various fields within the engineering industry. Outside of her studies, Hannah is involved in Asian Student Union.  

To get informed about the latest Career Fair updates and other resources, connect with us at careers.unl.edu/connect.