From Campus to Studio: Macy Byars

by Erica Napuli

August 7, 2024

Macy Byars smiling in headshot

Macy Byars, a senior majoring in Journalism and Broadcasting recently began an internship at 89.3 KZUM, a local radio station in Lincoln. Thanks to Handshake, Macy was able to land this role.  

“I found my internship through Handshake. It's a great resource to find jobs that fit with your school schedule. Most of the employers that post there seem super flexible,” said Macy. 

As a Newsroom Intern, Macy helps produce newscasts with her News Director. She’s in charge of setting up and conducting interviews, attending meetings, and editing the show. So far, Macy loves that her internship gives her the opportunity to do deeper stories. 

“I’ve learned a lot of interview skills in such a short time, and I really enjoy just letting an interview subject share their story or expertise. I’ve felt welcomed from my very first day, and it’s a very fun and casual environment that makes me feel comfortable sharing my opinions and ideas,” said Macy. 

Outside of her studies, Macy is involved with the DailyER. She aspires to go into investigative journalism to tell stories and lead positive change. Her dream job is to write for late-night shows to combine her love for comedy writing and journalism.  

Want to find your next job or internship like Macy? Go to to get started today!