Interview Follow-up Examples

Thank Your Example 

In addition to demonstrating you are courteous, sending a thank you note after the interview reinforces your interest, skills, and commitment to the position. Send your note within 24 hours of the interview to all those who interviewed you. 

Subject: Thank You for the Interview 

Dear Kathy, (Address them by their first name only if your conversation suggests it would be expected)

Thank you for the opportunity to meet with you and your staff regarding the Account Manager position with XXX Organization. Your team clearly enjoys working with each other which is no doubt part of why they are so successful (Refer to something specific from the interview, changing it for each Thank You written). It was fun to get to know them and learn more about how XXX works on a day-to-day basis. I am even more excited about the position and with my communication and analytical skills (Reinforce your strengths), can really see myself as a strong part of the team (Restate your interest).

If you have any additional questions for me, please contact me at this email address or at 402-555-5555. I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks again for your time and consideration.


Herbie Husker

Reconnecting Note Example 

If you have not heard from the organization within the time-period they indicated for a decision, reach out to your contact to re-connect and reinforce your interest in the position.

Subject: Follow-up on Account Manager Interview 

Dear Kathy, (Address them by their first name only if your conversation suggests it would be expected)

I want to check in for any updates available on the status or decision timeline of the Account Manager position I interviewed for on March 3. I am still very interested and look forward to hearing back from you (Restate your interest).

I hope all is well with you and XXX Organization. Thank you again for your time and consideration (Be brief and upbeat).


Herbie Husker