Interview Question Preparation Examples

Use the examples below to learn how to answer different interview questions:

Question: Tell me about yourself.

Typical Answer: 

I am from a small town in Nebraska. I have two siblings, one sister and one brother.  When I came to college, I didn’t know what I wanted to do, but I enjoyed my Psychology classes so went with that as a major. I will graduate in May and hope to find a full-time position such as the Account Manager position.

Standout Answer:

I have always been fascinated by why people do what they do (state interest, motivation), so psychology as a major (state major) came naturally for me. My customer service, leadership, and fundraising experiences complemented my studies and strengthened my interest in relationship management (state experience and skills). As a fundraiser, I developed my ability to quickly understand and adapt to the needs of my customer. My coursework often required analytical and technical skills for research projects. These projects got me excited about data management through platforms such as SPSS which I taught myself. It is the combination of building relationships, technology, and teamwork which makes an Account Manager position with XXX Organization so appealing to me (state interest in position). My communication, relationship management, analytical, and collaboration skills also make it a great fit, so I am excited to be here today to learn more about the role, XXX, and your teams, and to share my experiences and skills which connect to what you need in an Account Manager. (summary with strengths)

Question: What interests you in our organization?

Typical Answer: 

I am interested in your organization because of your strong reputation in the industry and the position aligns with my career interests and skills. I enjoy working with people and using technology to help them.

Standout Answer:

XXX Organization is committed to the unique needs of your clients which is why clients stay with you longer than is typical in the industry. (Specifics about the organization based on your research ) Building relationships is something I naturally do, but I have also developed those skills in a variety of settings, so feel that type of role fits my personality and skills. (Strengths related to the needs and/or culture of the organization) I am also drawn to the team-oriented and innovative environment of XXX. Teamwork has been a big part of my work and academic experience and being a part of delivering new solutions is exciting to me.  XXX Organization is just the type of organization I want to be a part of.