Recruiting at UNL

Go Big Red text on red flags in front of trees with white blooms

Get Started

Set Up Handshake

Every Husker has a Handshake account automatically created for them, which means it's the best option to get your job/opportunity in front of the largest number of students possible. Once you're active on Handshake, you can:

  • Post jobs
  • Message students
  • Register for career fairs
  • Host events
  • Post content promoting your organization
  • And more!

Your employer may already have an active Handshake account. To find out more, please read all the resources linked below. If you have question that can't be answered by our online resources, please reach out to Lizzie Vietz.

Before posting, view our Policies and Best Practices.

Handshake Resources
Step 1

Attend Career Fairs

Annual Fall Career Events

  • The Fall University Career + Internship Fair takes place in mid-September.
    • University Career + Internship fairs take place over the course of a week and each day focuses on different industries and career paths.
    • Employer registration opens in mid-June.
  • The Actuarial Science Career Fair takes place in September.
    • This fair is one day and is open to firms looking to recruit specifically from our Actuarial Science program.
    • Employer registration opens in mid-June.
  • The Education Career Fair takes place in late October. 
    • This fair is one day and is open to districts/employers looking to recruit future educators.
    • Employer registration opens in mid-June.

Annual Spring Career Events

  • The Spring University Career + Internship Fair takes place in mid-February. 
    • University Career + Internship fairs take place over the course of a week and each day focuses on different industries and career paths.
    • Employer registration opens in late November/early December.
  • The Education Career Fair takes place in February.
    • This fair is one day and is open to districts/employers looking to recruit future educators.
    • Employer registration opens in late November/early December.
View Upcoming Career Fair Details
Step 2

Stay Up to Date

We use Handshake for our communication efforts to employers. Here's how you can make sure to never miss an important message!

Step 3

Recruiting Policies

Third Party Recruiter Policies


Third–Party Recruiters are agencies, organizations or individuals that recruit candidates for other organizations’ temporary, part time or full-time employment opportunities. They may also recruit for their own organization’s internal hiring needs. 

Third–Party Recruiters using UNL Career Services are expected to follow the same policies and procedures established for recruiters representing their own organization. In addition, Third-Party Recruiters are expected to agree to these Third-Party Recruiter policies, ensure all staff understand and comply with these policies, and ensure open and accurate communication with UNL students. 

Third-Party Recruiter Policies and Guidelines

 Recruiters seeking to use Handshake in connection with UNL will:

  • Agree to and follow the Handshake Terms of Service
  • Provide complete job descriptions, clearly indicating that you are a Third-Party Recruiter. 
  • Only recruit candidates for employer clients you represent. 
  • Not download resumes or send direct messages to students and alumni who have not applied to a specific job opening. 
  • Not use candidate information, including resumes, obtained for a specific job opening for any subsequent job openings or for soliciting employer clients, except where specifically agreed to by the candidates involved. 
  • State in the job description that any fees assessed by your organization and whether those are to be paid by the employer client you represent or the UNL candidate. 
  • Provide name of the employer client for whom you are recruiting on behalf of in the job description. If this information is confidential, you must still disclose it to Career Services staff if requested. Names will be held in confidence and will not be released to job candidates. 
  • Agree that neither you nor your employer client will provide UNL students’ resumes, or candidate information to any other party without the student’s consent. Failure to comply with this is a violation of The Family Education Rights & Privacy Act of 1974. 

 Recruiters are permitted to participate in career events (fairs, tabling, and on-campus interviewing) and must agree to the following:

  • Disclose whether you are recruiting for your organization’s internal hiring needs or for employer clients.  If you are recruiting for employer clients, disclose the names of the employer clients to Career Services in advance (upon registration) of the career event. 
  • Agree that neither you nor your employer client will provide UNL students’ resumes to any other party without the student’s consent. Failure to comply with this is a violation of The Family Education Rights & Privacy Act of 1974. 

Recruiters recruiting on UNL’s campus shall:

  • Abide by all applicable UNL Career Services policies, listed on this website.
  • Adhere to National Association of Colleges and Employers’ (NACE) Principles for Professional Practice.
  • Adhere to Department of Labor laws
  • Maintain EEO compliance and follow affirmative action principles during all recruitment activities. This means recruiting, interviewing, and hiring individuals without regard to race, color, ethnicity, national origin, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability, age, genetic information, veteran status, marital status, and/or political affiliation. 


Recruiters will not have direct access to student resumes. Compilations of resumes may be processed for Third-Party Recruiters if the name and location of the hiring company is disclosed and Career Services is provided permission to verify this information by contacting the employer client. A job description including the name of the employer client is required to provide a compilation of resumes. 

Right to Refuse Service

We reserve the right to refuse service to employers for factors such as the following: 

  • Misrepresentation by dishonesty or lack of information 
  • Fraud 
  • Complaints by students 
  • Harassment of UNL students, alumni, or staff 
  • Breach of confidentiality 
  • Requiring, at the time of application, personal information such as bank and social security numbers 
  • Positions not likely of interest to college students or alumni 
  • Excessive outlay of personal funding required to obtain the position 
  • Failure to adhere to Career Services policies and/or any violation of UNL rules and regulations, and local, state, or federal laws. 
Additional Policies & Affiliations

Work Authorization – In compliance with a Department of Justice determination, Career Services does not permit the use of work authorization, visa status, or citizenship data in Handshake job postings. More information can be found at Department of Justice

Legal Compliance Notice Regarding Internships – Career Services expects employers to be aware of the legal issues governing internships and co-op programs. More information can be found in the Fair Labor Standards Act and the NACE position statement on U.S. internships. 

University Career Services is proudly affiliated with professional associations, including: 

Best Practices

Writing a Strong Job Description

Students are usually looking at many different opportunities on Handshake and other sites, so job descriptions make a difference. Envision what the intern will be doing, what their days will be like, and the most important qualifications applicants should have. This can help curate the job description as well as help with conversations with candidates going forward.

  • Description of the responsibilities of the internship and learning opportunities 
  • Required and preferred qualifications (usually skills, class standings, etc.) 
  • How many hours per week, wage, time and/or flexible hours 
  • Location of the role (in-person, hybrid, remote, etc.)
  • How to apply 
  • Describe your organization’s mission, goals, values, and culture

Job Description Examples

  • Proper pay listed (Salary per year, hourly, temporary or just "Paid")
    • If your position is unpaid, please list as volunteer.
  • Accurate Job Description and Qualification
    • See above for Handshake tips and tricks to get some information!

When submitting your internship postings, here is what we look for:

  • Proper pay listed (Salary per year, hourly, temporary or just "Paid") 
  • Accurate Job Description and Qualifications 
  • Provides evidence that the student will be supporting a full-time team and will have supervision from an industry related professional. Internships cannot be used to fill in the place of a full-time employee.

Un-Paid Internships

  • We do not approve for unpaid internships or opportunities to be shared with our students. 
  • Read NACE's stance on unpaid work for more information.
Co-Operative Education

When submitting Co-Operative Education postings, here is what we look for:

  • Information about the organization (MUST be related to engineering) 
  • What the student will do (responsibilities)
    • Co-op plan outline, including duration and expected hours 
  • Proper pay listed (Salary per year, hourly, temporary or just "Paid") 

When submitting Fellowship postings, here is what we look for: 

  • Proper pay listed (Salary per year, hourly, temporary or just "Paid")
  • Description reflects qualifications and responsibilities of the fellowship
  • Duration of fellowship

When submitting Volunteer postings, here is what we look for: 

  • Positions is UNPAID with no promise of future compensation.
  • Work being done supports the organization's mission.

We're here to help you connect with and hire our students. Reach out to Lizzie for:

  • Husker Circle sponsorship inquiries

  • Attending fairs and other career programming events

  • Getting set up on Handshake

  • Developing a recruiting plan at UNL

  • Signing up for our monthly newsletter, the Husker Recruitment Report

Handshake for Employers

On-Campus Employers

We're happy to help campus departments share their positions on Handshake. Since you have a e-mail, there are a few extra steps we'll have to go through to get your account set up.

If you are looking to post a position for your UNL Department, contact University Career Services at

Handshake Tips & Tricks

Create an Employer Account
  • Sign up with your company-issued email address. Signing up with your corporate email will help ensure you're connected with the right company.
  • Are you unable to sign up with a company-issued email, or does your company use a generic email domain? Check out Registering for an Employer Account with a Generic Email Address.
    • We do not approve personal postings (babysitting, landscaping, etc.) as a safety precaution for our students.

Create an Employer Account

Posting Requirements


Employer Accounts

  • Must have a verifiable business address, website and phone number.

Jobs & Internships

  • Must be paid positions. UNL does not approve unpaid positions unless they are explicitly categorized as "volunteer".
  • Must have adequate descriptions of the work that will be done. 
  • Postings from third-party recruiters must disclose the client's name in the posting. See our Third-Party Recruiting Guidelines for more information.

Handshake has now combined the approval process for jobs & employers. If you would like to be connected with UNL students on Handshake, but do not have open listings to post, contact Lizzie Vietz.

Industries We Do Not Approve

Based on University policies, we do not accept any industries representing:  

  • Adult Entertainment 
  • Firearms
  • Cannabis 
  • Multi-level Marketing Organizations 
  • Personal employment (babysitting, landscaping, etc.)

This does not include political organizations representing the legalization or maintained status of anything related to these industries as long as their opportunities offer valuable work in the political/advocacy space. 

Positions that violate these policies will be declined, with an invitation for the employer to edit and resubmit for approval.


  • In-person events are approved if they take place within the state of Nebraska.
  • All virtual events will be approved.
Build Your Brand
  • Develop a robust profile that includes your logo and links to social media. 
  • Write compelling descriptions that grab attention.
  • Accurately describe responsibilities and qualifications.
  • Students are quick to discard positions they don’t think they are qualified to receive.
  • If you have flexible hours and remote work available, indicate that early.
  • Consider listing any in-person or virtual recruitment events in Handshake
  • Communicate often throughout the recruiting and hiring process.

Visit the Handshake Help Center for articles and resources on how to best navigate the platform.

Handshake Help Center

Not sure where to start? Check out these help articles:

Submit a support ticket if you are experiencing a specific account-related issue, for example:

  • Transferring account ownership

  • Changing your account permissions

  • Changing your employer

  • Adding/removing a team member

Submit a Handshake Support Ticket

Fairs & Events

Career events happen year-round at UNL!

  • Fall Career Fair (September): 4-5 days of career fairs that encompass a wide variety of majors
  • Spring Career Fair (February): 4-5 days of career fairs that encompass a wide variety of majors
  • Just In Time Fair (April): 1 day of recruitment designed to connect both employers and students still searching for opportunities
  • Niche events (August-May): Invitation-only events for employers designed to make networking connections with students
Upcoming Fairs & Events
male in professional attire smiles at recruiter at Actuarial Science Career Fair

Student Success Stories

Student highlights are regularly posted on our social media channels. These success stories detail a student's professional development experiences. Additionally, they can be a great way to spread the word about your organization/its internship program. Students must currently be an intern and a UNL student. 

Nominate Your Intern(s)
Brown haired female student in red long sleeved shirt stands amidst tall crops with her hand on the stalk

Connect With Students

We have career coaches in every college on campus who regularly meet one-on-one with students to provide personalized career development advice. These individuals are also the experts on how employers can best connect with their college's student population.

Feel free to reach out to coaches directly or first meet with Lizzie Vietz for an introduction.

Connect With Students
Two red, vertical rectangular banners on a black lightpole read "N" and "Go Big Red" in front of a white, flowering hedge