Name First Required Last Required Phone Required Email Required Title Required What college/unit are you connected with? Required Are you a new, departing, or moving member of the Career Community? I am new to the UNL Career Community I am departing the UNL Career Community I am moving to a new position in the UNL Career Community. Other… Enter other… I plan to join the following committee(s): *Confirm with your supervisor if you will join any of the following committees. Career Coaching Committee Employer Relations Committee Career Programming Committee Other… Enter other… I plan to leave the following committees: Career Coaching Committee Employer Relations Committee Career Programming Committee Other… Enter other… Date of Transition Required Please identify the date that this transition officially takes place. Additional information Include any other helpful information for the University Career Services team to take the appropriate on-boarding and off-boarding steps. If moving to a new role within the UNL Career Community, please include this information. Leave this field blank