Micro-Internship & Mentoring Program - Student Details

The Micro-Internship & Mentoring Program is dedicated to providing paid internship opportunities to First Generation and underrepresented students. All undergraduate students will be considered. Experiences are 8-12 weeks with up to 15 hours per week and in person.

*Students may participate in one Micro-Internship opportunity. If you have already received funding through the Micro-Internship & Mentoring Program, you will not be eligible to participate in a second Micro-Internship.

The Program Offers Students the Opportunity to:

Complete a Paid Internship

Red cash pile icon

Gain Experience, Skills, & Mentorship

icon of person connected to circles, representing a network

Explore Possible Career Paths

laptop icon

Expectations of Interns

  • Complete up to 15 hours/week depending on internship requirements entering them into the payroll system weekly by Friday.
  • Set a schedule in collaboration with your supervisor and adhere to the schedule as planned, notifying your supervisor about any exceptions.
  • Learn and abide by the organizations policies, procedures, dress code, privacy or confidentiality agreements, and standards of conduct.
  • Submit a weekly internship reflection through the website.
  • Upon ending the internship, complete a survey about the Micro-Internship Program and your experience.
  • Attend 3 professional development meetings – at the beginning, middle, and end of your MIMP experience with University Career Services.
  • Meet requirements listed in the Student Expectations.
Paid Internship



  • Application opens August 19th, 2024
  • Application closes September 6th, 2024
  • Fall internship sessions begin in September 


  • Application opens January 13th, 2025
  • Application closes January 31st, 2025
  • Spring internship sessions begin in February

Application Tips and Examples

Employers will see your responses to the following questions in the application:

  1. What interests you in this opportunity?
  2. Based on your experiences so far such as class and personal projects, club and organization involvement, previous jobs or responsibilities, describe the skills you think you can bring to this opportunity?
  3. Organizations can include a third question that will be unique to each position.

Consider the position and organization you will be applying for and how your experiences, skills, knowledge, and interests match those. You do not have to have direct experience in the field, but you can describe how your interests and goals align with the organization and/or the position. Describe the broad skills and understanding you have which will be useful in the role. Let them get to know you! See below for examples of application answers to those questions.

Example Project Description and Application

*Students may participate in one Micro-Internship opportunity. If you have already received funding through the Micro-Internship & Mentoring Program, you will not be eligible to participate in a second Micro-Internship.


  • Look through the available Micro-Internships.
  • Apply for each Micro-Internship of interest by the deadline indicated.
  • Selections will be communicated to you via email.
  • If selected, we will introduce you to your supervisor via email at which time you will work with them to determine specific start date, schedule, and discuss training.
  • Meet with and provide documentation for Human Resources Specialist for payroll purposes.
  • Meet with a University Career Services team member to discuss goals for your experience.
  • Begin your internship!


Complete the MIMP application

Fall 2024 MIMP Employer Opportunities

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