Outreach Email Examples: New Connection Follow-up and Staying in Touch

New Connection Follow-Up Email

Example 1: 

To: Ann.Beck@organization.com 

Subject: Career Fair Follow-up 

Dear Ann Beck, 

Thank you for visiting with me about account management positions with (organization) at the UNL Career Fair this afternoon.  I was excited to hear new sales staff are given the opportunity to work with some of your bigger clients. As we talked, I began to believe even more strongly that my skills and experiences are an excellent match for that type of role. (Remind them of yourself.  Refer to something specific in your conversation) 

As you recommended, I am sending you my resume (attached) and have applied for the Account Management position through the (organization) website.  If you need more information or would like to discuss my qualifications for the position further, please contact me at (phone number) or (email). 

It was a pleasure to meet you and get to know more about (organization). I look forward to speaking with you again soon. 


Herbie Husker

Example 2:

To: Dan.Jones@organization.com 

Subject: Thank You 

Dear Dan, (Use an appropriate tone. Address them by their first name only if your last conversation suggests it would be expected)

Thank you for your time and the great insight you shared with me this morning. I enjoyed not only learning about account management in the technology industry, but also getting to know about your own career path. (Be timely. Follow-up within 24 hours of your conversation)

As you recommended, I will be pursuing experience in customer service to see if account management is a fit for me and to become more competitive for a variety of opportunities. I have also already requested membership in the LinkedIn group you suggested and look forward to joining the conversation and connecting with other experienced professionals there. 

Thanks again for meeting with me this morning. When you are back in the city, please let me know so I can treat you to a latte at The Coffee Café next time! Best regards, Herbie Husker.

Best regards, 

Herbie Husker

Staying In Touch 

  • Send thank you notes. 
  • Forward articles that may be of interest.
  • Check-in just to ask how they are doing.


To: Dan.Jones@organization.com 

Subject: (article topic in one word) Article and Follow-up 

Hello Dan,

I hope all is well with you and (organization). I thought you would enjoy this article on (topic) (url). When I read it, you of course came to mind!

I recently accepted an internship at (organization) as a Customer Experience Specialist which will be a great introduction to the technology industry and what a career in it would look like. Thank you again for the information you shared with me earlier this fall. It helped me determine my next steps and lead me to this position. 

The offer to buy at The Coffee Café still stands, so let me know when you are back in town! (Reinforce ongoing connection. Refer to future opportunities to connect)


Herbie Husker