Outreach Email Examples: Inner, Secondary Circle and Outside Network

Inner Circle

Example 1:

To: teresa.jones@gmail.com  

Subject: Experience in Human Services 

Hello Aunt Teresa,  

I hope you are having a great week and I look forward to seeing you at the next family gathering. I am reaching out because I have just declared a Psychology major at UNL and would like to start gaining more experience for careers in human services.  (Be concise. Give enough context to make it clear why you are asking for a meeting or conversation but be brief)

My mom mentioned that you have been a long-time volunteer with the Center for People in Need and might have some suggestions on what type of experience I should pursue and where to look for it. Would you have time to meet with me in the next couple of weeks to talk about this? Thank you for your consideration. I hope we can touch base soon! 


Herbie Husker  

Example 2:

To: teresa.jones@gmail.com  

Subject: Connections in Human Services 

Hello Aunt Teresa,  

It was fun to catch up with you at the picnic last week. As you know, I am graduating next May. I will be starting my first full-time job search this spring and wondered if you could help. 

I am reaching out to you because I remember you sharing with me that you have some connections in the technology industry. I was wondering if you would feel comfortable introducing me via email to a few of your contacts, so I could start networking with professionals in that field. (Be direct and specific.  Clearly state why you are reaching out to them and what you are asking for)

Thank you so much for your consideration and please let me know if there is any way I can help you professionally or maybe around the house. Sincerely, Herbie Husker  (Offer your assistance.  Networking is about building relationships, not just getting something for yourself.  Recognize you are in others’ networks and can be helpful to them)


Secondary Circle


To: john.smith@organization.com 

Subject: Referral from Teresa Jones  

Dear John Smith: 

I received your email from my aunt, Teresa Jones, who recommended I reach out to you to learn more about account management in the technology industry. I am a student at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln majoring in Psychology and am looking into this as a potential career. (Mention connections.  Reference your last meeting or shared contact in the first line)

To decide if it is a fit for me, I would like to talk to you about your career path and the skills and experience needed for account management. Would you be willing to meet with me or let me job shadow you for a couple of hours so I can gain a better understanding of it?  

Thank you for your consideration of this request. I know your schedule is busy, so I understand you may not be able to get back to me this week, which is no problem. I will reach out to you again next week in the case that is a better time for you. (Maintain control.  State you will follow-up, otherwise you are left waiting for them to respond)


Outside Network

Example 1:

To: Jane.Andrews@organization.com 

Subject: Information on Sales in Technology

 Dear Jane Andrews,    

I am a junior at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln interested in pursuing a career in account management, specifically of technology.  I came across your profile in the University Alumni Association LinkedIn group and would like to connect with hopes of learning more about the field.  Would you be willing to add me as a professional connection? 


Herbie Husker

Example 2:

To: Jane.Andrews@organization.com 

Subject: Information on Chicago Market 

Dear Jane Andrews,

I found your information in the UNL Alumni LinkedIn group and as a senior psychology student at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, I am interested in learning more about your career path. 

I am specifically looking at the market in the Chicago area where your insight would be particularly helpful. I recognize this might be a very busy time for you, so if you are unable to respond this week, I will follow-up next week to see if that is a more convenient time to talk. Thank you for your time, Herbie Husker. (Target Experts.  Your network should reflect your goals.  Reach out to successful professionals in the field to guide you)