Writing Your Headline & Summary

The Headline and Summary/About sections describe your personal brand. Below are formulas for each. Including keywords based on your field  is essential. 

Headline Formulas 

Use elements from the formulas below to craft a unique headline. 

Position | Skills or Experience | What you are seeking 

  • Development Representative | Relationship Builder | Seeking Account Manager Positions 

Major | Skills or Strengths | What you are seeking 

  • Psychology Major | Student Leader & Team Player | Seeking Sales Internships 

Current Position & Organization | Sentence on what you do 

  • Executive Store Intern at City Center Mart | Build relationships with customers and manage teams to create win-wins

Summary Formulas 

Develop your summary or story by answering these questions:

  • What you do 
  • How do you do it
  • Where are you going?


I have always been the person to strike up a conversation with someone new. Meeting new people and building relationships which create win-wins, is a strength of mine which I have invested in and utilized through my roles as a development representative with the University of Nebraska foundation an executive store intern. 

To catch a reader’s attention, also ask yourself: 

  • What is important to others in my field? 
  • What is my main message or my brand? 

Avoid starting with, “I am a student…” Be professional, but use your own voice. Update your summary periodically as your experience and interests evolve.