LinkedIn Overview

LinkedIn is an online professional networking platform which gives you
the opportunity to:

  • Market your skills, strengths, and experiences
  • Connect with alumni, professionals, and recruiters
  • Gain insight on organizations, industries, and opportunities
  • Apply for internships and jobs

Why Use LinkedIn?

Huge network of professional users.

  • Once you join LinkedIn, each connection made introduces you to an average of 400 new people. You also get access to more than 100 new companies looking for your talent or skills and connections to 500+ jobs, on average.2
  • 61 million LinkedIn users are senior level influencers and 40 million are in decision-making positions.
  • 30 million companies are on LinkedIn.


  • You can easily connect with job opportunities, employer information, and professional networks.

What Do You Share on LinkedIn?

Here are a few questions to start your thinking. Have you recently:

  • Read something related to your major or career field? Share the article with a summary of your takeaways.
  • Accepted an internship or job offer? Write a post about how excited you are to join the team and tag your new organization.
  • Collaborated on a group project at work, in a course, or for a student organization? Share your results and what it took to get it done.
  • Completed an online training or certificate program? Add it to Education or Accomplishments.


LinkedIn profiles that have a photo receive 21x more profile views and 9x more connection requests.1

1. Source: LinkedIn Profile Photo (September 20, 2021). https://www.linke-

2. Source: 50 of the Most Important LinkedIn Stats for 202. (202, February

3). Influencer Marketing Hub.