Cover Letter Example (email)

When applying by email: 

  • Write a shorter cover letter as the body of the email.
  • Keep your email cover letter to three paragraphs.
  • Attach your resume as a PDF using your name in the title, i.e., Herbie Husker Resume.

Dear Kathy Beck:

I appreciated learning about the Account Manager position with XXX Organization in our conversation at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln career fair. As we discussed, I believe my communication, problem solving, and analytical skills, would allow me to succeed in the role.

My education and experience developed my ability to learn complex systems and to communicate them to others. Additionally, relationship building has been part of many of my roles on and off campus. Specifically, I have been a successful fundraiser for the University of Nebraska, connecting to alumni, understanding their interests, and adapting my approach accordingly. Coursework required my critical thinking and technical skills, such as learning and interpreting results of SPSS.

My resume details my related experiences which demonstrate my ability to be a strong Account Manager for XXX Organization. I look forward to further discussing my qualifications for the position with you. If you would like to arrange such a meeting, please contact me at 402-555-5555 or Thank you for your time and consideration.


Herbie Husker