Maximizing Online Search Systems
Recruiters offer the following advice for your online profiles and job or internship search activity:

  • Be authentic in your online profiles.
    Introduce who you are as a professional and as a person. Include not just what you do, but how you do it, and why you do it. Showcase your experiences and goals, the skills and qualities that allow you to be successful in your work, what motivates you, and why you are interested in the field.
  • Show your work digitally.
    In addition to describing your experiences, include projects you have completed in coursework or independently. Consider creating an online portfolio or website if appropriate for your field or to maximize your online profiles.
  • Communicate proactively and reliably.
    Reach out to recruiters through Handshake, LinkedIn and/or other platforms widely used in your field. If someone reaches out to you, reply quickly, demonstrating your professionalism, commitment, and communication skills.

Connect with a Career Coach to apply these strategies and those detailed in this guide to your personal search to maximize your time, resources, and efforts.