Related Coursework

Coursework | Professional Coursework (Alternative Coursework)

• Include coursework related to the profession or industry.
• Identify course name, i.e. Sales Communication instead of MRKT 257.
• List in a bulleted column with up to 6 courses.

• Microprocessor Applications
• Electrical Circuits I, II
• Electromagnetic Field Theory
• Signals and Systems I, II
• Digital Design and Interfacing
• Assembly Language Programming


• Highlight significant, relevant academic projects or independent projects completed.
• Include course/project name, dates (Month, Year), and your role/activities.

Business Plan Development and Decision Making | August - December 20XX
• Researched markets and conducted case studies to identify business opportunities and the
requirements of a successful business plan.
• Developed and presented business plan to executives for evaluation and submission to University-
wide business plan competition.

Additional Sections

Include other sections based on your experience types and their significance and relevancy
to the job. These may include:
• International Experience
• Military Experience
• Certifications
• Senior or Capstone Project
• Research Experience
• Professional Associations
• Teaching Experience