Use left-justified, single spaced block formatting with the same font style and size of your resume. The document below reflects the correct formatting and describes the components of a cover letter.

Header Matches Resume

XXX-XXX-XXXX| | City, State, Zip Code |

Contact Name
Contact Title
City, State ZIP

Dear First & Last Name: (If you do not have contact name, address it based on the language of the organization such as, “Human Resources” or “Talent Acquisition Team,” found through your research)

In the INTRODUCTION PARAGRAPH establish the purpose of the letter. Start with a hook – a sentence that engages the reader (e.g., why you are interested in the industry or job function, past experience, etc.). Next, indicate the position you are seeking. Show knowledge of the employer, their needs, and why you are interested. End with a thesis statement to explain how your experience and/or skills can benefit the organization.

A “hook” may be found by brainstorming questions about yourself such as:

  • Why did you choose your major?
  • What interests you in this field?
  • What are your strengths?

If you have a connection or a contact with the organization mention them in your introduction.

In the BODY PARAGRAPH(S), emphasize the skills and experiences which qualify you for the position. Develop your main points based on your thesis statement to be concise but clear on why you are the best candidate. Relate your background to the job description using keywords. Build on your resume bullet points by connecting them to the position. Specify what you will be able to help the organization accomplish or the results you will be able to achieve. Include any special training, education, and/or experience which sets you apart. Identify benefits your qualifications offer to the organization. Use more than one body paragraph to organize and present your main points.

In the CONCLUSION PARAGRAPH, restate your interest in the position and the organization and refer to the included resume. Indicate your interest in a personal conversation about your qualifications for the position, how to contact you, and thank the reader for their time and consideration.

A second “hook” can reinforce that you understand and offer what the organization needs.

Signature (For an electronic signature, include your name in a cursive font)
Your Name (typed)


In an online application, if you are required to copy your cover
letter into a text box:

  • Remove your header, date, and contact information, copying in the greeting through your signature.
  • Review and edit as needed, such as correcting character changes and adding returns between paragraphs.