The goal of a cover letter is to provide a compelling one-page story on why you are the best candidate for a position. It works in partnership with your resume, telling an employer why you are interested in their organization, and connects your skills and experiences to the position. It gives you an opportunity to identify the contributions you would make, something a resume does not do.

Getting Started

  • Study the job description and highlight keywords. What is important to the employer for the position?
  • Identify your skills and experiences which match the keywords in the job description. How can you connect them strategically in your story?
  • Determine why you are interested in this employer or opportunity. What aspects excite or appeal to you?

Building Content

  • Tailor letters to each position specifically. Incorporate keywords in your writing to match the employer’s needs. Applicant tracking systems often look for keywords.
  • Consider your writing “tone” and style relative to the organization’s culture, which may suggest a more or a less formal approach. 
  • Identify your related experiences including:
    • Actions taken
    • Skills developed
    • How these show you can succeed in the
  • Determine 3 points to highlight.
  • Develop a thesis statement for the introduction
    paragraph based on your list.

Content examples

  • Job Qualification/Responsibilities: Relationship building, Problem Solving or Ability to understand and communication complex technical systems
  • Experience: University Foundation, Internship at City Center Mart, Research Assistant in Psychology Department
  • Action: Persuaded alumni to donate to the University, Resolved customer problems, questions on electronics and other product lines, learned and used SPSS to write report summarizing data
  • Skills: Communication, interpersonal and sales, Problem solved, ability to explain technical details to non-technical customers, ability to lean and use complex systems and communicate data.
  • Relationship to Job: I can build relationships with customers and generate sales, I can solve client concerns and explain complex technology to their clients, I can quickly learn XXX Organization's platforms and effectively communicate with their clients and teams.

Thesis Statement
Based on my customer service experience and strong problem-solving, analytical, and communication skills, I believe I would be an asset to XXX Organization as an Account Manager who will work hard to build relationships with current and new clients, broadening their use of XXX's platforms.