Building Your Resume

• Use a common, easy-to-read font in a readable size, typically 10-12
point font.
• Set all margins between .5 to 1 inch.
• Use bold, underlining, and italics purposefully and consistently to
separate sections and highlight content.

• Limit to one page unless more are typical in your field and you have
relevant content for a second page.
• List education, experiences, etc. in reverse chronological order, with the
most recent first.
• Develop an unformatted version of your resume with no bold, italics, or
other designs to copy into online application systems.

Things to Avoid
x Paragraph descriptions of experience
x Pronouns referring to yourself, i.e. I, my, our, and we
x Inconsistencies in layout or formatting
x Photographs, clip-art, and borders
x Oversharing, especially personal information, i.e. hobbies &
marital status
x Abbreviations not widely known
x Rounding your GPA up
x Listing unsubstantiated soft skills
x Templates which reduce control and/or may not be readable by online
application systems
x Tables and grids which may not transfer across platforms or be
readable by online applications system
x Distracting colors or designs, unless expected in the field


Build your resume by getting engaged in and out of the classroom.
Participate intentionally in internships/co-ops, part-time jobs, student organizations, volunteer opportunities, class projects, research experiences, etc.

Update your professional materials often.
Doing so will help you keep track of your experiences and accomplishments and will allow you to better capitalize on opportunities as they come. 

Get your resume reviewed by a Career Coach.

Having another set of eyes on your document can help clarify and strengthen your resume content and catch any spelling and formatting issues.