Email Template Faculty Inquiry

Sample Email

Dear Professor X,

My name is X and I am writing to express interest in your research lab. I am a [class standing] majoring in [major] and I’m considering [graduate school, career, etc.] in the future. I read your faculty bio on the [department] website as well as your research group page and I’m very interested in your work addressing [X]. I am currently taking [relevant coursework] and I have experience in [list any prior experience]. [If no prior experience: While I do not yet have any research experience, I m eager to learn and would appreciate any opportunity to gain experience.] My goal is to identify a project and advisor so I can apply for UCARE for the next funding term.

I am finished with classes and am available [list your availability]. Please let me know if there is a time where I could meet you to learn more about your research and possible opportunities in your lab.


Sally Student